SafeGuard Cyber | First Watch Podcasts

Overcoming Toxic Workplaces with Amy Scites | SafeGuard Cyber

Written by George Kamide | Mar 7, 2023 11:00:00 AM

We’re kicking off our celebration of Women’s History Month, with our series of interviews with women in cybersecurity. From CISOs and the lessons they’ve learned, to what the next generation of defenders has to offer, we’re bringing you two interviews per week. All month long!

When it comes to succeeding in the workplace, what is the role of culture? How do you know if it’s one of cultivation or one that’s toxic? And what can you do about it? Today, my guest is Amy Scites, Sr. Engineer for Information Security & Risk at Cardinal Health.  I wanted to talk to her about standing up to toxic workplace cultures, and knowing your worth.

Follow Amy: LinkedIn