
When a global medical device manufacturer wanted to shift to cloudhosted CRM and collaboration tools, it turned to SafeGuard Cyber to reduce its regulatory risk exposure. With automated detection in place, compliance teams were able to quickly mitigate risks in communications representing potentially millions in fines.


The Challenge

The company needed the ability to quickly supervise regulatory compliance policies at the scale and speed of digital communications. The organization spent too much time and energy sampling free-text call records and messages for review. This approach was expensive and still left the organization with substantial risk exposure to massive fines.

When the company turned to SafeGuard Cyber, it was able to reliably reduce risk and free up resources.

How Did SafeGuard Cyber Help?


Automate_LightAutomated Compliance

Compliance-NextGen_Light (1)Rapid Time to Value

Intelligence_LightComprehensive Coverage

After implementing SafeGuard Cyber, this leading device manufacturer saw instant improvement with automated compliance supervision. With our award-winning policy engine, the risk team is able to quickly supervise free-text call records in Salesforce and chat messages across Chatter and Yammer. With one platform to supervise business communications across multiple apps, the company can move rapidly to address Adverse Event, Off-label promotion, and other risks that can quickly multiply into enormous fines. With increased visibility, the risk team can also retrain sales teams to eliminate patterns of behavior that expose the company to heavier fines.

With increased visibility, the risk team can also retrain sales teams to eliminate patterns of behavior that expose the company to heavier fines.

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